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Top o' the Mornin' To Ye

Perhaps it's just a manifestation of my spring fever, or the fact that I watched Leap Day last weekend, but I have been incredibly psyched for St. Patrick's Day this year. (Which is a little ridiculous, because what would I even do on St. Patrick's Day? I don't drink, which seems to eliminate...the majority of options). So far, my plans are to listen to Irish pub rock all weekend (good thing I already have a Pandora station in place for that), get friends to play some non-alcoholic drinking games with me (Fresca pong, anyone?), watch Waking Ned Divine, and go see Natalie MacMaster perform some Celtic fiddle tunes. Some of these activities won't actually happen until a few days after St. Patrick's, but that just means longer celebrations for me! Hooray!

Commenters: what do you usually do for St. Patty's, if anything? Do you have any vaguely Irish plans this weekend?

And, for your listening pleasure:

In other news...if any friends want to come with me to the Natalie MacMaster concert on Tuesday...let me know, yeah?


  1. My family likes to make leprechaun traps every year. My mom leaves us gold chocolates and green footprints.

  2. Hello, friend! I have nominated your blog for the Liebster award. Details are here:

    P.S. I'm not a robot. Buttwarmer.


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