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In which we encounter fake flowers, whales with legs, donuts, pixies, and middle school

Well, today is Tuesday, which means it is time to report on my first week living the Johnny Karate Way!  So, here is what I did!

Make Something: We did a lot of art projects at work this past week (professional development for the art teachers, fun for the rest of us), and my favorite was making these tissue paper flowers. It's super easy! The ones that I made look halfway decent, even though I am seriously disabled at crafts. I think I'll have my students make these for May Day next year.

Learn Something: Did you know that there used to be whales with legs? It's true! Sort of! At least, the direct ancestors of whales were land mammals who had legs and webbed feet (kind of like sea lions). Also, I learned that ladybugs lay extra, unfertilized eggs for their babies to eat upon hatching. So that's neat. These are the cool things you learn when you go to the Natural History Museum of Utah. Seriously, everyone go there. It is gorgeous and you can learn about whales with legs, so that seems like a win-win.

Karate Chop Something: I hair!

Okay, actually my wonderful hairdresser Shelby did all of the chopping, but it took a lot of guts on my part to let her chop it! This is the shortest my hair has been since I was about 3 and I love it to death.

Try Something New Even If It's Scary to You: On Monday, Aaron and I hiked to Donut Falls. It felt so good to be up in the mountains again, and to try a new hike. Aaron wanted to climb all the way to the top of the falls, past the sign that said, "Do not climb past this point or else you will die," (or some similar warning,) and I was terrified, but I did it, and nobody slipped and fell onto the sharp rocks and died. So that was a win.

Be Nice to Someone: My friend's wife is creating a curriculum for a middle school composition class for her music education capstone, and she needed some volunteers to help her workshop it. So Aaron and I were her guinea pig students for a couple of days. We got to create some fun compositions and brainstorm ways to teach some different musical concepts.

All in all, this week was a success! I will be far away from the Internet next Tuesday, so I'll try to get an early post out by Sunday night. If not, you will get a double post in two weeks. Lucky you!

What have you made, done or karate chopped this week? Did you try anything now or scary? How have you been nice to someone? Share in the comments!


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