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In which an all-star cast is assembled.

Sometimes my roommates and I like to create casts for movies we wish existed (call it a movie geek's version of assembling a Fantasy Football team). For example, we once created a concept for a film version of Candyland, directed by Tim Burton and starring Johnny Depp as Lord Licorice, Danny Devito as Plumpy and many others. I feel like it would be absolutely terrifying and 100 percent awesome. Our latest (and perhaps most successful) casting session happened last night as the roommates, practically-roommates and I watched my favorite movie of all time. And so, for your viewing pleasure, I present to you: N311's cast for a live-action adaptation of Disney's Beauty and the Beast.

Beast: Ewan Mcgregor
Ewan McGregor

Belle: Anna Friel (Chuck from Pushing Daisies)

Gaston: Hugh Jackman

Maurice: Dustin Hoffman

Lumiere: Neil Patrick Harris

Cogsworth: Ricky Gervais

Mrs. Potts: Melissa McCarthy (Sookie from Gillmore Girls)

Le Fou: Kevin James

The guy from the insane asylum: Christopher Plummer

The feather duster: Catherine Zeta Jones

Yes, it's a fact. This is the perfect cast. If any famous Hollywood producers read this blog, please know that you are welcome to call us up at any time, tell us we're brilliant, and pay us a hefty consulting fee.


  1. I would watch this just to see NPH play a french candelabra. This is brillant


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