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In which I recount some adventures I've had this week

Finding the very perfectest gifts for the very bestest people in my life.
Hearing my two favorite Christmas songs on the radio. This cover of "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch" and this version of the 12 Days of Christmas. Good day, eh?
Going to the Carl Bloch exhibit.
Building a gingerbread house. Actually, a graham cracker trailer park. But I digress.
Losing the gas cap to my car.
Playing Ticket to Ride with an astoundingly awesome person.
Deep-cleaning the Cannon Center...I think I got high off of degreaser...multiple times...
Free pie Wednesday!!! And catching up with awesome friends from high school.
Hittin' the powder at Sundance with my siblings. My sister vastly improved my technique with one simple phrase, "Karissa, lead with your shoulders, not your hips!" She is wise.
Reading all my favorite children's books that I'd forgotten about. "The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey," "Babysitter's Club," "But No Elephants!!"...yeah I could probably just lock myself up in my room with all the books I used to read and be a happy camper.

And tonight is Christmas Eve. Happy times.


  1. Oh, the Babysitter's club! I loved those! The 90s movie is awesome too. I watch it whenever I have a bad day just because it makes me laugh so hard! Merry Christmas!


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