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In which I'll walk with you

I've been trying to stay optimistic about the results of the election, and not to get caught up in worst-case scenario thinking. But I'm also realizing that optimism is a luxury I can afford because as a white, straight Christian, I don't have much to worry about with a Trump presidency. I don't have to worry about half my family being deported. I'm not worried that my marriage won't be legally recognized anymore or that people will be able to deny me service because of my sexual orientation. I won't ever be targeted as a potential terrorist because of my religious affiliation. The rise of hate crimes that has been noted this week will probably not affect me. So yeah, it's really easy for me to say "Maybe it won't be so bad!" Because for me, it probably won't.

So I'm still going to hope for the best, but I think it's important to recognize that for some folks, things are looking kind of scary. And that means that those of us who aren't as vulnerable have the responsibility to stand up for those marginalized groups and make sure their rights are being protected. In the Book of Mormon, we are called to "bear one another's burdens, that they may be light." I think that can include being aware of injustice and taking a stand against it. I know that's something I can do better at. It's something I need to do better at. As the primary song says, "I'll walk with you, I'll talk with you, that's how I'll show my love for you."


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