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In which we mean intensely and we mean for good

Today was my last day of one of my favorite jobs. For the past year and a half, I've worked as a writing tutor for BYU's Writing Fellows program. While it has been wonderful being able to combine my love for writing with my passion for teaching, and increase my skills in both areas, I think the best part of this job was in the bizarre and wonderful Writing Fellows culture. I mean, how many people can say that their job has a theme song (with an official band to boot)? Or a never-empty cookie jar in the office?

Because of Writing Fellows, I've gotten paid to talk to new people, and to share my knowledge and experience. I've had many chances to improve my own writing and help others improve theirs. I've learned to treasure the moment when someone who has never considered herself a writer realizes how to express her thoughts in a clear, effective, and even beautiful way. There's just something kind of magical about seeing someone discover that beautiful writing isn't an ability reserved for an elite group; it's with their reach. And being able to clock in for that? I'll admit, that makes it even sweeter.

Yep, I'm going to miss this job. From hanging out at the Writing Fellows tables talking about tiger sharks to racing to the office after each test to see if the cookie jar's been refilled, it's been a great ride. To all my Writing Fellows friends, remember: Genius breathes in atmospheres of FREEDOM!!


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